Saturday 3 November 2012

No Waste Tastes Great - Nov 3rd

 Top shelf - blackberries (yes the same ones as last week)
Middle shelf - half a tine of beans, spread, chocolates
Bottom shelf - one chocolate pudding, smoothie
Drawers - condiments, veggies (see next pic)
 Green pepper, carrot, celeriac, cauliflower. The green bags are fantastic and ensure veggies last ages!!
 Door - egg, butter, cherry coke, diet coke, salad dressing, soya milk, cider, lemon juice, punch

Everything is still fine but I am aware that the blackberries will need eating up a bit smartish. The next thing to go will be the egg but I will have scrambled egg and beans on toast for tea tonight as Mum and I ate out for lunch.

Food waste confession - those raspberries that I saw no reason not to eat didn't get eaten and a few of them had a full on fur coat!!

Oh, and on the windowsill you can just see a cup of tomatoes. These are the last of the cherry tomatoes that i grew this year just reddening off!!

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